
I've been wanting to make some kind of blog for a while, even when I'm not sure what even to write about. The concept of having some kind of blog seemed interesting. Well, now I'm here.

Another reason for wanting to start a blog was because I wanted some project to work on. Popular advice is always "Look for problems you want to solve!" or "Find something you want to automate!", but I struggle with coming up with something that I wanted to automate and I often don't have some interesting problem that went beyond being simple Python or Ruby scripts.

There are project ideas flying around on the internet like writing your own todo app, or a website that shows you the weather. I won't deny that those are great things to write for beginners from a technical standpoint, but if I'm trying to work on a hobby project, I lose interest if it's something I don't end up using myself.

Exercises like on Project Euler or LeetCode are nice for practicing, but what I really missed was some a project that went beyond being a simple script in a single file, but not too large that it would feel like it would overwhelm me.

Starting a blog seemed attractive and brought me to the idea to write my own static site generator. I first thought that I'd maybe just use something like Hugo or Jekyll, but writing an SSG yourself looked like a project that I could tackle.

Practicing some HTML and CSS is a neat side effect too.

With an actual goal finally in my head, I've started on working on CoffeeTime. It is definitely not finished, written and working pretty janky, but at least it works for now I guess. It's written in Java because that's one of the languages I've been using the most (next to Python and a little bit of Ruby). Not sure if it's the best choice, but I feel most comfortable with it. I'll probably make another post about it when I feel like it.

As for this blog, I think that I won't have any kind of specific thing I want to focus on. I'll write about other projects that I start (if I find any after or next to CoffeeTime), or other personal interests that I have at the time that can get beyond technology.